NRSWA – Streetworks Training

We offer both Operative and Supervisor training at our North West Training Centre including 1-day Re-Assessment or 2-day Refresher Courses

Prior to 2017 there were 16 streetworks units, now there are 16 certificates, namely LA, O1 to O8, and S1 to S7 (the units have become individual certificates). There are 3 key certificates and the new certificate structure is as follows:

Common to operatives and supervisors:

LA – Location & avoidance of underground apparatus KEY CERTIFICATE

LA and O1 are the only two key certificates for operatives.

If you are an operative, you therefore need the following to be qualified to excavate or reinstate:

  • LA – Location & avoidance of underground apparatus
  • O1 – Signing, lighting and guarding
  • the relevant O-certificate(s), from O2 to O8

LA and S1 are the only two key certificates for supervisors.

If you are a supervisor, you therefore need the following to be qualified to monitor excavation or reinstatement:

  • LA – Location & avoidance of underground apparatus
  • S1 – Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding
  • the relevant S-certificate(s), from S2 to S7.

Operative Training NRSWA Modules (Units)

O-series certificates, for operatives only:

O1 – Signing, lighting and guarding KEY CERTIFICATE

O2 – Excavation in the highway

O3 – Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials

O4 – Reinstatement of sub-base and base in non-bituminous materials

O5 – Reinstatement in cold lay bituminous materials

O6 – Reinstatement in hot-lay bituminous materials

O7 – Reinstatement of concrete slabs

O8 – Reinstatement of modular surfaces, concrete footways

Supervisor Training NRSWA Modules (Units)

S-series certificates, for supervisors only:

S1 – Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding KEY CERTIFICATE

S2 – Monitoring excavation in the highway

S3 – Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials

S4 – Monitoring reinstatement of sub-base and base in non-bituminous materials

S5 – Monitoring reinstatement in bituminous materials

S6 – Monitoring reinstatement of concrete slabs

S7 – Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces, concrete footways

You can renew your certificates by undergoing reassessment (theory test only at a computer station) OR you can choose to do so by undergoing assessment if you want. The difference is as follows. Assessment is what takes place when you first obtain a certificate, and it involves a practical and theoretical assessment of your skills. Reassessment, which is intentionally less burdensome for certificate renewal purposes, involves only a theoretical assessment. However, the regulations allow you to renew a certificate by undergoing the original assessment if you choose to.

Please ask if you require further clarification.